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发布时间:2023-06-06     字体:[增加 减小]

姓    名:沈志舒

学    位:博士

职    称:副研究员




20104月至20123月,日本名古屋大学,电子信息工程,硕士,导师:Ken-ichi Sato (IEEE Life Fellow)

20124月至20153月,日本名古屋大学,电子信息工程,博士;导师:Ken-ichi Sato (IEEE Life Fellow)

20154月至20163月,日本KDDI株式会社,Global Network Operation CenterEngineer

20164月至202112月,日本KDDI Research, Inc., Research Engineer



1. 边缘计算

2. 计算机网络(尤其是空天地一体化网络)

3. 人工智能


3年来在包括国际学术期刊IEEE IEMIEEE IoT-JElsevier JNCAElsevier FGCS等发表论文,同时也是IEEE JSACIEEE TPDSSpringer Artif.等多种国际学术期刊和会议的受邀审稿人。80届日本电子情报通信学会学术奖励奖(2018)ECOC2013- Best Student Paper Prize (Shortlist)ACP2011-Best Student Paper AwardRunner-up等。


Zhishu Shen

Associate Professor

School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Wuhan University of Technology


Fields of Interest

Edge computing, computer networks (especially satellite-air-ground integrated networks), Internet of Things, AI.


2005-2009, B.E., School of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, Wuhan University of Technology.

2010-2012, M.E., School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University. Supervisor: Ken-ich Sato (IEEE Life Fellow)

2012-2015, PhD, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University. Supervisor: Ken-ich Sato (IEEE Life Fellow)

Research and Work Experience

2015-2016, Engineer, Global Network Operation Center, KDDI Cooperation

2016-2021, Research Engineer, KDDI Research, Inc.

2022-Now, Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Technology



Honors & Awards

1.  Young Researcher's Award, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), 2019.

2. Young Researcher's Award in Research of Photonics Networks, Technical Committee on Photonic Network, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), 2014.

3. Best Student Paper Prize Shortlist, IEEE European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2013.

4. Japanese Government Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan, 2012-2015

5. Best Student Paper Award Runner up, SPIE OSA IEEE Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 2011.

6. Nitori Scholarship, Nitori International Scholarship Foundation, 2011-2012.

7. Honor s Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan, 2010-2011.

Professional Services

IEEE member, CCF member

[Journal/Conference Reviewer] IEEE IEM, IEEE JSAC, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE TPDS, Elsevier JNCA, Elsevier FGCS, Springer Artif.